
Take Back Your Privacy

coming 2022


// Privacy in Your Control

Your phone is spying on you, sending large amounts of data about you to Google and other corporations and government agencies.  Parallel respects your privacy and wants you to be able to control who has access to your private data.  In 2022, Parallel will bring a privacy-focused phone to the market which utilizes open-source software that removes Google.  Parallel believes privacy should not be difficult or involve performance trade-offs.  Our phone will have privacy features already enabled and will be on a fully-featured, high-performance smartphone.  Take back your privacy and end the technology corporations’ profiteering from your personal data!

// A typical day can see nearly 12 mb of data about you sent to Google servers //

// Your phone is collecting data about you throughout the day including: location, routes taken, items purchased, and music listened to. //

// Your phone, while you are using it, can be sending data about you up to 90x an hour //

// Even while dormant, your phone can be sending data about you up to 40x an hour //

// Your personal data is being shared with corporations and governments to predict and influence your actions //

Prepare For Launch

Want to know when Parallel is available? Simply provide your name and email address in the provided form and we will notify you as soon as our timeline has been updated.

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© 2022 Parallel